A while ago I was surprised to read in Wikipedia that the decarboxylation step of the reactions of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, which connects glycolysis to the Krebs Cycle, was referred to as the “Swanson Conversion”. Even though I had been trained as a biochemist, I had never heard about this before. So I did some research, and I was not able to find any references regarding a doctor Swanson who was involved in the study of this chemical reaction. I did, however, find a claim that stated that a high school teacher named Swanson, who wanted something named after him, instructed his students to insert this claim in Wikipedia. I published a post in my blog that was critical of this hoax, and as a result of this the term “Swanson Conversion” was dropped from the Wikipedia page where I found it, although it can be still found in several sites that mirror or quote Wikipedia. But I was still curious if the story about the high school professor was true. Well, thanks to some sleuthing by Andreas Kolbe, who posts on Twitter under the handle “Wikiland” the mystery has been solved. The edit was made in 2010, and he traced the IP address involved in the edit of the Wikipedia Pyruvate Dehydrogenase page to a school and found that in that school there was a teacher named Swanson. Kolbe proceeded to contact the teacher (I will not be revealing the name, location of the school, or the first name of the teacher). According to the teacher, he was following a textbook that mentioned the different steps of energy metabolism; glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, and electron transport chain, but then the book went on to state that four steps were involved without specifically naming the fourth step. He then decided to christen this fourth step (the chemical reaction linking glycolysis to the Krebs cycle) after himself to help his students learn its importance in the process. Later he found that one of his students had, without his consent, introduced the term into Wikipedia. The teacher then decided that he would let the term linger there as a social experiment and point it out to each of his new classes of students as an example of the perils of using Wikipedia as a reference source. ![]() As it turns out the Swanson Conversion hoax has been one among many hoaxes to plague Wikipedia. Several of these hoaxes eventually get referenced by non-Wikipedia sources leading to a process humorously called “citogenesis” (or more formally “circular reporting”) where the non-Wikipedia sources that originally copied the information from Wikipedia get referenced by Wikipedia itself as proof of the validity of the information! There are several well-documented instances of citogenesis in Wikipedia. In the case of the Swanson Conversion, although the hoax lingered for about 7 years, only recently did I find an example of the term making it to a mainstream scientific publication indexed in the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) PubMed database. Thankfully, I was able to detect this hoax before the circle was closed and a new “citogenesis” event took place. As to Mr. Swanson, I am told that he is a very good and fun teacher who inspires his students, has won a prestigious teaching award, and has used this example of a bogus Wikipedia entry to instruct his students on the perils of using this database. I do hope, however, that in the future he is more proactive about calling out these hoaxes. Update 2-26-2019: The Wikipedia Swanson Conversion Hoax Spreads Into Mainstream Science! Image reproduced here under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.
Prabin Karki
1/7/2019 08:26:53 am
The Swanson conversion should be a thing. Dr. Swanson is a good teacher. 🚫🧢
Rolando garcia
1/10/2019 01:30:09 pm
Thanks for your comment, Prabin. I acknowledge he is a good teacher, but In my opinion that doesn't justify letting these hoaxes go unchecked.
Griffin Stacey
3/25/2022 08:44:46 am
Mr.Swanson Is a fabulous teacher and should earn the right to have this step named after him! #Justicefortheswan!
Rolando Garcia
3/25/2022 01:25:53 pm
Thank you for your comment Stacey. Again, I don't doubt he is a great teacher, but to have a step in a metabolic pathway named after you, you need to have contributed to its discovery and/or its study. Mr. Swanson did neither. The assignment of his name to this step was a hoax that he allowed to continue to serve as an example of the problems with Wikipedia. I understand his motives, but coming at it from the scientific end where I have seen and experienced the amount of pain and effort involved in scientific research, I disagree.
William Braithwaite IV
12/19/2022 07:31:52 am
I do think think the name for this biological process is in need of a simpler name, and Mr. Swanson of Biology is well deserving of the Swanson Conversion dedication!
Rolando Garcia
12/19/2022 01:05:08 pm
There are scientists who have studied and trained for many years and then conducted scientific research for many more with a lot of effort and pain to discover these biological processes. What has Mr. Swanson done to deserve that this biological process, which he never discovered or studied, be named after him?
1/3/2024 05:57:36 am
what has he done to deserve this Mr.Swanson is a extremely well educated individual and he saw a problem and came up with a solution. No one else took claim for this process so he did and i think its a much easier way to refer to it as the Swanson conversion then the decarboxylation step of the reactions of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, which connects glycolysis to the Krebs Cycle.
Faith Mbabali
1/10/2024 07:18:08 am
I believe that the Swanson conversion is an excellent name for the pyruvate decarboxylation. As it was discovered by Swanson and has the right or name after himself. #Swansonshouldhavehisrights. #Justicefortheswan
Rolando Garcia
1/14/2024 01:09:20 pm
Please read the post. Scientists have things named after them because they discovered them or made important contributions to their study. Pyruvate decarboxylation was NOT discovered or studied by Swanson. He has no such rights.
1/27/2025 07:08:37 am
This article is not true information. An investigation carried out by many students showed that Swanson was not "instructing students to put this into Wikipedia." This was caused because there was no official name for this conversion, so Swanson named it, as a joke, "The Swanson Conversion." A student decided to edit Wikipedia and put this name into here, and Swanson laughed at it, but didn't decide to do anything about it because it wasn't worth his time. This stayed for about two to six years in Wikipedia, and was used for many lab reports, articles, and graduate thesises. However, we are regarding the concern of this false publishing, because it has been specifically proven that Swanson did not "instruct" his students to put this into Wikipedia. This false claim has been proven untrue, and has been gas lighted by the author. Please change or remove this article at your earliest convenience. We understand that many people will see information and gaslight it, but our team has been able to show that parts of this article are not true.
Rolando Garcia
2/2/2025 01:43:54 pm
Thanks for your comment, but please read the article before commenting on it. I never stated that Swanson instructed the student to post the hoax. My criticism is that he did not ask him to remove it. As a result this error has made its way into the scientific literature.
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