This book explores the answers to many questions involving science. Among these are: Why can science be right? Is science conservative? What is the role of insults and funerals in the progress of science? Does the absolute truth hinder science? Is the Earth Round? Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? Why did some Nobel Prize-winning scientists kill themselves? Can scientific theories be false? Should the obvious be supported by evidence? What are the dangers of keeping an open mind in science? How do you sell (or not) snake oil? Should we know what in Einstein’s brain made him so intelligent? Have you been chosen and are destined for great things? Can you sing Para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde to the tune of the Irish Washerwoman? Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip? And, of course: Do scientists have a sense of humor?
This is a book of essays based on my blog published at In it I examine the nature of science and scientific thinking, and how science works. I also look at conspiracies, anti-science, and plain falsehoods, and touch on several topics and issues that are fun or of interest, as well as how you relate to science. And finally, I also look at the lighter side of science with puns, jokes, and anecdotes and entertaining stories about science and scientists. The book is available on Amazon. Please click on this link.
This is a book of essays based on my blog published at In it I examine the nature of science and scientific thinking, and how science works. I also look at conspiracies, anti-science, and plain falsehoods, and touch on several topics and issues that are fun or of interest, as well as how you relate to science. And finally, I also look at the lighter side of science with puns, jokes, and anecdotes and entertaining stories about science and scientists. The book is available on Amazon. Please click on this link.