The Sun Zebra can best be described as a children's book for grownups. It is a collection of stories about the "adventures in living" of an unusual little girl named Nell, her mother, Rhonda, and Nell's father who is the narrator of the stories. The stories deal with how the world of adults and its hard realities intersects with the magical carefree world of children.
Since its publication, The Sun Zebra has delighted readers and received 80 ratings and 4.4 stars out of 5 on Amazon, and 130 ratings and 3.78 stars out of 5 on Goodreads. Awesome Indies Book Awards included The Sun Zebra in the library of Awesome Indies' Badge of Approval recipients.
The Sun Zebra is available on Amazon.com. Please click on this LINK.
Praise for The Sun Zebra
Nell, the little girl who is the star of these stories, is a delight. She thinks deeply about things and comes up with the kind of responses to situations that could only come from a young child. The stories take you back to a time when you, or perhaps your children, were very young. They embody the freshness of early childhood and show clearly the different perspective a child has on the world.
Tahlia Newland author of the multi-award-winning Diamond Peak Series
I loved these stories because they are a reminder of what's important in life: the bonds we have with our family and friends and the incredible magic of children.
Ingrid Ricks author of the New York Times bestselling debut memoir Hippie Boy
There is so much love echoing through these stories -- love of family and love of nature -- they are a joy to read.
Barbara Alfaro author of the IndieReader Discovery Award for Best Memoir, Mirror Talk
These beautiful recollections of childhood all have a sense of wonder and excitement for life. Each adventure includes a moment in time captured through a child's eyes.
The Rebecca Review - Top 50 reviewer and Hall of Fame reviewer for Amazon
This book is written with a tender humor and a genuine compassion for the importance of the feelings and emotions of a child.
Marilou George ~ The Kindle Book Review
This little book is like iced tea on a hot day. It changes things inside of you.
Joyce Faulkner, Author of In the Shadow of Suribachi, Losing Patience, For Shrieking Out Loud, and USERNAME
The stories are pleasant, funny, and delightful to read, but you quickly discover that they go much deeper than you anticipated when you first began reading them.
Robert David McNeil author of The Synaxis Chronicles
Buy this book and you too will feel the sun shine on you in a new and different way. I promise.
Laura Novak author of Finding Clarity